Living Independently service directory

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Migrants Organise

Migrants Organise promote the rights of migrants and refugees by developing sustainable community organisations that contribute to an inclusive society.

Nystagmus Network

Nystagmus is a complex eye condition, characterised by involuntary eye movements, affecting focus and depth perception. The Nystagmus Network is a charity and a membership organisation th…

People First (Self Advocacy)

People First (Self Advocacy) is an organisation run by and for people with learning difficulties to raise awareness of and campaign for the rights of people with learning difficulties and…


PohWER are an independent organisation providing a variety of advocacy services in for people with different support needs.

Positively UK

Positively UK provides peer-led support, advocacy and information to women, men and young people living with HIV to manage any aspect of their diagnosis, care and managing life with HIV. …

Rape Crisis - West London Centre

The West London Rape Crisis Centre (WLRCC) is one of the specialist services of the Women and Girls Network (WGN), which provides holistic therapeutic services to women who have experienc…

Salvation Army Human Trafficking

The Salvation Army manages support services for adult female and male victims of human trafficking, after being awarded the contract by the Government in 2011.

SARC (Sexual Assault Referral Centre)

The Havens are a network of specialist sexual assault referral centres (SARCs) located across London and open 24/7. The three centres working closely together to ensure that the same leve…

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