Living Independently service directory

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SASH (Support and Advice on Sexual Health)

SASH (Support and Advice on Sexual Health) - in Westminster, Hammersmith and Fulham and Kensington and Chelsea is provided by Turning Point in partnership with METRO, London Friend, NAZ a…

SASH - 209a Harrow Road

209a Harrow Road is one of the hubs for Turning Point’s SASH service which provides support and advice on sexual health. The service is co-located with the drug and alcohol wellbeing serv…

SASH - 31 Wardour Street

31 Wardour Street is one of the hubs for Turning Point’s SASH service which provides support and advice on sexual health.  SASH offers information, advice, referral to sexual health testi…

SHP (Single Homeless Project)

Single Homeless Project (SHP) supports vulnerable people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, through the provision of supported housing and community-based support services. The…

Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation

The Stoll organisation provides rehabilitative support to vulnerable and disabled ex-Service men and women, acknowledging the sacrifices they have made for our country and the problems (s…

Spectra CIC

Spectra CIC provides advice and support to the LGBT+, BAME and other minority communities on sexual health issues.

St Cuthbert's Day Centre

Open door day centre for people who are rough sleepers, homeless, marginalised, isolated, unemployed or have mental health or substance misuse problems.

St Mungo's

St Mungo’s is a charity that support the homeless, to help them off the streets. Their outreach teams offer a bed and support to more than 2,800 people across the south and south west eac…

Street Wise Opera

Streetwise Opera is an award-winning charity that uses music to help homeless people make positive changes in their lives. This is done through a weekly music programme in homeless centre…

The 240 Project

240Project is an Arts and Health Activity Centre for people affected by homelessness, vulnerability and exclusion.

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