Living Independently service directory

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We believe that every woman and child experiencing domestic violence has different needs.

SARC (Sexual Assault Referral Centre)

The Havens are a network of specialist sexual assault referral centres (SARCs) located across London and open 24/7. The three centres working closely together to ensure that the same leve…

SASH - 209a Harrow Road

209a Harrow Road is one of the hubs for Turning Point’s SASH service which provides support and advice on sexual health. The service is co-located with the drug and alcohol wellbeing serv…

SASH - 31 Wardour Street

31 Wardour Street is one of the hubs for Turning Point’s SASH service which provides support and advice on sexual health.  SASH offers information, advice, referral to sexual health testi…

SASH - Earl's Court Health & Wellbeing Centre

Earl’s Court Health and Wellbeing Centre is home to GPs, dentists, community health, health trainers and a range of wellbeing activities. Turning Point’s SASH service provides support and…


SurvivorsUK offer a pan-London service to any male over the age of 18 who has experienced sexual abuse and/or rape whether in adulthood or childhood.

Women & Girls' Network

Women and Girls Network (WGN) is a pan-London service that supports women and girls affected by all forms of gendered violence.

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