Living Independently service directory

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Ability Superstore

Ability Superstore has a comprehensive range of mobility aids and healthcare products online in the UK. Whether you are a professional healthcare worker, have a relative or friend who use…

Action Deafness

Action Deafness offer a diverse range of services to deaf, hard of hearing, deafened, deafblind and hearing people throughout the UK.

Dayrise Care Services

Dayrise Care Services is owned and managed by a registered mental health nurse with experience with vulnerable adults and a variety of work within NHS psychiatric hospitals. They support …

Deafblind UK Care and Support

Deafblind UK Care and Support, provide a range of personalised, community-inclusive care and support solutions to people with a sensory impairment (single or dual sensory loss), who may h…


deafPLUS is an organisation working to enable a better quality of life for people who are deaf, focusing on the person rather than the disability.

Families Anonymous

Families Anonymous is a worldwide fellowship of family members and friends affected by another’s abuse of mind-altering substances or related behavioural problems.

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