Living Independently service directory

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Positively UK

Positively UK provides peer-led support, advocacy and information to women, men and young people living with HIV to manage any aspect of their diagnosis, care and managing life with HIV. …

River House

River House is a community based centre for people who live with HIV. They provide a large and diverse range of services such as nursing advice, counselling, benefits advice, complementar…

River House Homeshare

River House Homeshare aims to help older people living locally, as well as householders living with HIV all over London, to stay in their homes for longer whist also having a small impact…

SASH (Support and Advice on Sexual Health)

SASH (Support and Advice on Sexual Health) - in Westminster, Hammersmith and Fulham and Kensington and Chelsea is provided by Turning Point in partnership with METRO, London Friend, NAZ a…

SASH - 209a Harrow Road

209a Harrow Road is one of the hubs for Turning Point’s SASH service which provides support and advice on sexual health. The service is co-located with the drug and alcohol wellbeing serv…

SASH - Earl's Court Health & Wellbeing Centre

Earl’s Court Health and Wellbeing Centre is home to GPs, dentists, community health, health trainers and a range of wellbeing activities. Turning Point’s SASH service provides support and…

Spectra CIC

Spectra CIC provides advice and support to the LGBT+, BAME and other minority communities on sexual health issues.

St John's Hospice

St John’s Hospice, an independent charity located within the Hospital of St John’s and St Elizabeth in St John’s Wood, provides specialised palliative care to more than 4,000 terminally-i…

Terrence Higgins Trust

They are the largest voluntary sector provider of HIV and sexual health services in the UK, running services out of local centres across Great Britain.

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