Living Independently service directory

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NHS Website

Find information and advice on health conditions, symptoms, healthy living, medicines and how to get help.

No Panic

No Panic is a registered charity which helps people who suffer from Panic Attacks, Phobias, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders and other related anxiety disorders including those people who a…

OsteoGait Podiatry

OsteoGait Podiatry aims to deliver gold standard patient care for all clients. With over 12 years of combined experience they treat a broad range of conditions for both adult and paediatr…

Pain Concern

Pain Concern is a charity working to support and inform people with pain and those who care for them, whether family, friends or healthcare professionals.

Parkinson's UK

Parkinson's UK is a support and research charity that provides expert information on Parkinson's.

Paul's Cancer Support Centre

The centre is a registered charity that helps anyone who has been affected by cancer. This includes not just people who have cancer but also those who have a family member or friend with …

Pembridge Hospice and Palliative Care

Pembridge Hospice and Palliative Care provides palliative care services in a specialist unit at St Charles Centre for Health and Wellbeing. They assist patients with life limiting illness…

Prostate Cancer UK

The largest and most comprehensive charity working in the field of prostate cancer, offering support and information to anyone concerned about prostate cancer.

Royal Brompton Hospital

Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust is the largest specialist heart and lung centre in the United Kingdom. Their experts use the latest technology to diagnose and treat co…

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