Living Independently service directory

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ENA Care Group

ENA Care Group has been caring for people for nearly 30 years. We provide compassionate live-in and domiciliary care across the UK, for clients with a wide range of complex needs.


FindGoodCare offer assistance to you and your loved ones in finding good care either at home or in seeking a good alternative to care at home.

Food Chain

We deliver meals and groceries, offer cookery and nutrition classes and communal eating opportunities to people living with HIV in London and their dependants.

Fulham Osteopaths

Osteopathic practice, with Osteopaths and Alternative Therapists offering the following services:

Halcyon Doctors

Halcyon Doctors are private consultants specialised in cognitive impairment and mental capacity, offering bespoke assessment, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up care.

Hammersmith & Fulham Foodbank

Trussell Trust foodbanks provide emergency food to people in crisis, and we provide support to address the underlying reasons for this crisis.

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