Living Independently service directory

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RAF Association

Association offering friendship, welfare and support for serving and former members of Royal Air Force and their families.

Rape Crisis - West London Centre

The West London Rape Crisis Centre (WLRCC) is one of the specialist services of the Women and Girls Network (WGN), which provides holistic therapeutic services to women who have experienc…


Relationship support, advice, counselling, sex therapy, workshops, meditation, consultations and support face-to-face, by phone or through the website.


Offers a range of specialist services to professionals and the public regarding drugs and the law. 

Respect Mens Advice Line

A confidential helpline for any man experiencing domestic violence and abuse from a partner (or ex-partner).

Royal Brompton Hospital

Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust is the largest specialist heart and lung centre in the United Kingdom. Their experts use the latest technology to diagnose and treat co…


The Samaritans are a helpline and centre for the isolated, the suicidal and despairing


National mental health charity which aims to raise awareness of mental illness and campaign to improve services, initiate and fund research into the causes of serious mental illness. …

SASH (Support and Advice on Sexual Health)

SASH (Support and Advice on Sexual Health) - in Westminster, Hammersmith and Fulham and Kensington and Chelsea is provided by Turning Point in partnership with METRO, London Friend, NAZ a…

SASH - 209a Harrow Road

209a Harrow Road is one of the hubs for Turning Point’s SASH service which provides support and advice on sexual health. The service is co-located with the drug and alcohol wellbeing serv…

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