Living Independently service directory

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Dayrise Care Services

Dayrise Care Services is owned and managed by a registered mental health nurse with experience with vulnerable adults and a variety of work within NHS psychiatric hospitals. They support …

Families Anonymous

Families Anonymous is a worldwide fellowship of family members and friends affected by another’s abuse of mind-altering substances or related behavioural problems.

Genesis Recruitment Agency

Genesis aims to provide high quality domiciliary care and compassionate health and social care services with offices in West and East London areas.

Glass Door

As London’s largest emergency winter night shelter, Glass Door (formerly West London Churches Homeless Concern or WLCHC) provides a safe, warm place to sleep for up to 100 men and women a…

Hammersmith & Fulham Foodbank

Trussell Trust foodbanks provide emergency food to people in crisis, and we provide support to address the underlying reasons for this crisis.

Jewish Care

Jewish Care is the largest health and social care organisation serving the Jewish community in London and the south east of England. 

London Cyrenians Housing

Cyrenians provide housing, care and support in London for adults and young people with complex needs – including homelessness, substance misuse and mental health problems. Cyrenians staff…

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