Living Independently service directory

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Hammersmith & Fulham Foodbank

Trussell Trust foodbanks provide emergency food to people in crisis, and we provide support to address the underlying reasons for this crisis.

Hoarding UK

Hoarding UK is an organisation committed to increasing choice and control for people who compulsively hoard while ensuring the professionals are empowered to provide appropriate and effec…

Independent Age

National charity which helps older people with low incomes to live at home with dignity and peace of mind. It provides the following services:

Independent and Work Ready CIC

The Independent and work ready CIC website offers a self directed learning resource for those with disabilities to learn about adult life topics such as disability and work, volunteering,…


Mencap works with people with a learning disability to change laws, challenge prejudice and support them to live their lives as they choose.


MIND provides advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. They campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.

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