Living Independently service directory

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London Dial-a-Ride

Dial-a Ride is our free door to door Public transport service for elderly and/or disabled people

Strive Mobility

Strive Mobility aim to make life just a little easier for disabled users and their carers.  For anyone with a disability, it’s not always easy to get out and about; having to always think…

Sunrise Medical

Sunrise Medical develops, designs, manufacture and distributes manual wheelchairs, powered wheelchairs, mobility scooters, mobility aids and both standard and customised seating and posit…

Transport For All

Transport For All is an organisation of disabled and older people that offers a transport helpline and guides to transport, as well as championing the cause of accessible transport in Lon…

Visit London is a comprehensive guide to everything that's happening in and around London.


Wheelfreedom offer powerchairs and mobility scooters for both hire and sale throughout London and the Home Counties.Mobility Scooters and Powered WheelchairsThey supply a range of product…

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