Living Independently service directory

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Action on Disability

Action on Disability is a user-led disabled people’s organisation working across West and Central London. They work to create a fair society where disabled people have the same rights and…

Age UK H&F Advice and Information

Growing older doesn’t come with a manual but we do have a range of information guides and factsheets to help you deal with some of the challenges faced in later life.

Chinese Information and Advice Centre

The Chinese Information and Advice Centre (CIAC) provides free information, advice and support to disadvantaged Chinese people in their community living in the UK. Their services include:…

Hammersmith & Fulham Foodbank

Trussell Trust foodbanks provide emergency food to people in crisis, and we provide support to address the underlying reasons for this crisis.

London Dial-a-Ride

Dial-a Ride is our free door to door Public transport service for elderly and/or disabled people


PohWER are an independent organisation providing a variety of advocacy services in for people with different support needs.

Positively UK

Positively UK provides peer-led support, advocacy and information to women, men and young people living with HIV to manage any aspect of their diagnosis, care and managing life with HIV. …


A National charity for road traffic victims. They help bereaved families cope and build resilience through peer support, local group network, befriending service and trauma support progra…

Strive Mobility

Strive Mobility aim to make life just a little easier for disabled users and their carers.  For anyone with a disability, it’s not always easy to get out and about; having to always think…

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