Living Independently service directory

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Respect Care

Respect Care Services provides domiciliary care into an individual’s home. This care ranges from assisting an individual with their daily living to complex caring for those individuals wh…


Revitalise is a national charity providing respite care in a holiday setting for disabled people and carers.

Rivercourt Project Short Breaks

Rivercourt Project Short Breaks is a service that Hammersmith & Fulham learning disability service uses to offer short respite breaks and overnight stays for people with a learning di…

Strive Mobility

Strive Mobility aim to make life just a little easier for disabled users and their carers.  For anyone with a disability, it’s not always easy to get out and about; having to always think…

Sunrise Medical

Sunrise Medical develops, designs, manufacture and distributes manual wheelchairs, powered wheelchairs, mobility scooters, mobility aids and both standard and customised seating and posit…

Sweet Tree

SweetTree Home Care Services provides a full range of domiciliary care and support to assist those with both basic and more complex needs including;


TechSilver combines honest, expert service with technology to make life easier, safer and happier for you and your loved ones.

Telecare Choice

Telecare Choice are the leading provider of telecare services in the UK. It has been consistently proven that Telecare has a great impact on the lives of the elderly, people with disabili…

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