London Bisexuals

A safe and friendly social environment for those who identify as bisexual or who have a bisexual partner. London Bisexuals is open people of all abilities, religions, sexualities, and genders and organises regular social events, pub meets, picnics, pub quizzes and parties.

Meetup turnout is strong (reliably >50 for the monthly bar socials, usually 10-30ish or more for most other official meets), ALWAYS with many new faces at every meet.  Community events run by other London bi groups are also advertised and members can suggest their own event ideas or notify the group of relevant events to check out.  More information on London Bisexuals can be found, or you can contact the group, on the website.

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London Bisexuals

Town Hall, Hornton Street, London
W8 7NX
United Kingdom


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